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Saturdays with Dr. Cyd

Updated: Sep 8, 2021

Workshops with Dr. Cyd with college students!

Saturdays With Dr. Cyd is designed to put a sex-positive spin on comprehensive sex education compiled through the experiences of four young women. We work to provide honest, relatable perspectives as we hope to empower young adults through re-emphasizing the importance of pleasure within the sexual, and non-sexual, lives of young adults.

What started out as a small college course has blosssomed and taken on a life of its own. Dr. Cydelle Berlin regularly guest lectures at Smith College with students from Dr. Les Jaffee's Human Sexuality Course, but this year the students wanted more. There was too much to talk about!

"Dr. Cyd was first introduced to us, the cohort of Smithies running this platform, as a guest lecturer in the class “Women’s Medical Issues”. During her first lecture, Dr. Cyd spoke about her movie Sex and Other Matters of Life and Death while touching on the history of sex education in the U.S. in such a compelling way that we couldn’t help but want more. The first lecture turned into five more Saturdays, which then became known as “Saturdays With Dr.Cyd". We met over several months via Zoom to discuss our experiences with sexuality and the lack of comprehensive sex education we received. Our collective fascination and engagement in our conversations led to the creation of this project as a way to advocate and empower those with and without vulvas!" - Robynne, Reese, Darcy & Amelia Smith College 2020

Topics are far ranging but mainly focus on the history of sexual education in the U.S. and the world. Comprehensive Plus sexuality education, including pleasure, consent, healthy sexual relationships and more are the topics covered in one workshop or can be combined for a series of workshops! This vital information can be tailored for each group and can be

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